December 2020
23 XII – theatrical performance 5 kobiet Boga (5 women of God) during the Cyfrowe Spotkania Teatralne BRAMAT (the Digital Theater Meetings)
dir. Katarzyna Hora
at 8 p.m., stream online on the YouTube platform
November 2020
27 XI – Random Check project during the Sacrum Profanum festival premiere of the piece Remembering for electronics and visuals
visuals: Monika Bober, project coordinator: Maja Wolińska and Marcin Rupociński
at. 8 p.m. online stream on the playkrakow.com platform, Kraków
25 XI – premier of the piece solo traveler for accordion solo, the Composer Concert organised by the students of the Academy of Music in Wroclaw
accordion: Dominik Szauer
online stream on the YouTube platform, Wroclaw
6-16 XI concert as part of the Belarusian-Polish KINEMO Festival
premiere of the piece Emak-Bakia for C soprano saxophone, piano, two violins and double bass for the movie “Emak-Bakia”, directed by Man Ray
online stream on the YouTube platform, Minsk
October 2020
11 X – Szukaj lasu (Look for the forest) – music, visuals, lights, objects, performance concept: WELT collective
at 6 p.m. first show, at 8 p.m. second show, Centrum Kultury Zamek, Poznan
10 X – theatrical performance 5 kobiet Boga (5 women of God)
dir. Katarzyna Hora
godz. 18:30, The Teatr Rozrywki, Chorzów
9 X – premiere of a radio dramas about the Storytellers
dir. Dorota Bator
online stream on the YouTube and Facebook platform
September 2020
25 IX – premiere of theatrical performance Playing the Victim, dir. Krzysztof Dracz and Teo Dumski
at 7 p.m., the Studio Room, AST, Wroclaw