Theater music


Sposób na Alcybiadesa

Direction: Małgorzata Pilczuk
Music: Magdalena Gorwa
Teatr Aczemu

Czerwony Kapturek [The Little Red Riding Hood]

Direction: Małgorzata Pilczuk
Music: Magdalena Gorwa
Teatr Aczemu

Troja. Wojny nie będzie! [Troy. There won't be a war!]

Direction: Anna Wieczorek
Music: Magdalena Gorwa
Opolski Teatr Lalki i Aktora [Opole Puppet and Actor Theatre]

Mój Teatr jest tam gdzie Ja [My theatre is where I am]

Direction: Magdalena Młynarczyk
Music: Magdalena Gorwa
Producer: Tashka
Guliver Theatre in Warsaw


Bliskie ballady i dalekie romanse / Close ballads and distant romances, dir. Marta Wiśniewska, Jakub Tabisz, Anna Wieczorek – Trailer 1, Trailer 2, Trailer 3


Regał ostatnich tchnień / The shelf of the last breaths, dir. Magdalena Młynarczyk


Chodz na słówko / Come on a little word, dir. Robert Traczyk – Listen


Słowik / Nightingale, dir. Magdalena Młynarczyk

eSki, dir. Marta Wiśniewska, the Jerzy Grotowski Institute, Wroclaw – Listen

Uciec od rozpaczy / Run away from despair, dir. Anna Wieczorek and Dorota Bator, Opolski Teatr Lalki i Aktora – Listen


Amazon Burns, dir. Przemyslaw Wojcieszek and Robert Traczyk, Impart, Wroclaw

Histor(ja) / History
dir. Dorota Bator, the Jerzy Grotowski Institute, Wroclaw

Udając ofiarę, dir. Krzysztof Dracz and Teo Dumski, the Academy of Theatre Arts, Wrocław


Dlaczego dziecko gotuje się w mamałydze? / Why the Child is cooking in the Polenta?  
dir. Marta Wiśniewska, the Academy of Theatre Arts, Wroclaw – Listen 1, Listen 2, Listen 3


Chłopcy z Placu Broni / The Paul Street Boys dir. Małgorzata Pilczuk, the Aczemu Theater, Wroclaw – Listen 1, Listen 2, Listen 3


Kot w butach / Puss in Boots dir. Małgorzata Pilczuk, the Aczemu Theater, Wroclaw – Listen 1, Listen 2, Listen 3

5 Kobiet Boga / The five Woman of God dir. Katarzyna Hora, the Stanislaw Batory Theater, Chorzow – Listen


Obcy w lesie / The strange in the forest dir. Marta Wiśniewska, the Academy of Theatre Arts, Wroclaw – Listen 1, Listen 2

TanzGala dir. Robert Traczyk, the Jerzy Grotowski Institute, Wroclaw


Sąsiadki / The neighbours dir. Dorota Bator, the Academy of Theatre Arts, Wroclaw – Listen

Zamknij oczy
/ Close your eyes dir. Anna Pawelska, the Theatre Academy, Bialystok

żeby się nie bać / to not be afraid dir. Dorota Bator, the Academy of Theatre Arts, Wroclaw – Listen 1, Listen 2


Ignatek szuka przyjaciela / Ignatek is looking for a friend dir. Anna Pawelska, the Tęcza Theatre, Slupsk – Listen


Dobry Troll / The Good Troll dir. Robert Traczyk, the Academy of Theatre Arts, Wroclaw



Wyzwolenie / Extrication dir. Robert Traczyk, the Jan Kochanowski Theatre, Opole


Bal u Salomona / The Ball at Saolom dir. students of The Puppet Theater Direction, the Academy of Theatre Arts, Wroclaw – Listen